64 Zoo Lane Wiki
Ep 71 1

When Melanie gives the Christmas tree to a family of bison, all the other animals are upset. The other animals realize that a Christmas tree is for sharing.


Main Zoo[]

Lucy has a surprise gift to the animals. All the animals are impressed with the surprise, but Lucy is tired. This is because Lucy was making decorations, wrapping gifts, and baking biscuits for Father Christmas. Lucy likes to have a relaxing story about Christmas. This reminds Boris when he celebrated Christmas with the animals in North America.


One winter, the North American mountains are filled with snow. Randolph tells the other animals that Christmas is arriving in North America. The animals need a Christmas tree for this holiday. The animals go to the best place to find a tree for the holidays. The animals went to the perfect spot with trees, but Melanie is not sure which tree should she pick. Melanie is suggested to ask Beverley for a new tree.

Melanie began asking Beverley to hurry or everything will be crowded by lots of bison. The animals were busy in finding trees that are suitable for them, along with a perfect spot for the trees. Finally, Melanie found a beautiful tree and placed it in the correct spot. Melanie is told to keep the tree away from animals who take it while the animals try to find great decorations for the tree. Later, a herd of bison arrived to collect the trees.

Barbara is impatient in getting a Christmas tree. Barbara is told that her parents will get a tree soon. Meanwhile, Beverley and Randolph picked icicles; Alfie and Charlie picked fir cones for the tree. Boris (who is the narrator of the story) picked the maple leaves that were here last autumn. Finally, Melanie is keeping the tree from being stolen. Barbara wanted a Christmas tree, but none of her parents could find it. Melanie gave the Christmas tree to the family of Barbara, which is her first Christmas.

The animals arrive to the spot where Melanie was supposed to protect the Christmas tree. The Christmas tree was delivered to Barbara and her parents. All the animals are very upset that Melanie gave away the tree to Barbara and her parents. The animals can't decorate without a tree and there are no more trees left in the forest. The animals thought of a plan to see another thing that can be decorated. The animals picked Melanie's antlers as something else to use for Christmas. Melanie is used as a Christmas tree and loved the snow. Everyone is impressed with Melanie as a replacement of the other Christmas tree.

Moral Ending[]

Lucy understands the true meaning of sharing. Lucy is given the Christmas decorations. These decorations can be kept to decorate the zoo. Lucy returned to bed, because tomorrow is Christmas Day.

First Appearances[]




